- German Shepherd Tanko
von Walker Eric Oaks Excellent
- Dutch Shepherd Chino
Patrick Ganley Excellent
- Cane Corso Red Rock Canyon's Spartacus Shelley Messer Fair
- Cane Corso Colossal's Cleopatra Heather
Spinks Good
- Doberman
Judas Savannah Poole
- Cane Corso
Prima Donna Stephen Dallara Good
- Cane Corso Dream Team Incredible Hulk
Antonio Elam Good
- Presa Canario
Jaguar Paw Mark Banks
- Cane Corso
Gahatti Antonio Elam Sr. Excellent
- Presa Canario
Macho Gerel Hayes Excellent
- Pit Bull Greenfield-Logan's
Juice Branden Logan Good
- Doberman Champ
Jeremy Conaway Good
- Cane
Corso Raven Antonio
Elam Sr. Good
- Cane Corso
Enzo Antonio
Elam Sr. Good
- Cane
Corso Cielo Blu El Leontonix Proxim Daryl Featherstone Good
- Cane Corso Dream Team Brooklyn Cory Machese Excellent
- German Shepherd Jack
Wesley Jenson Excellent
- German Shepherd Clancey Brandon Jenson
- German Shepherd Juno
of Kreative (Inca) Wesley Jenson Excellent
- German Shepherd Omen Dean Phill
- Dogo Canario
Jihad Carla Walker
- Dogo
Canario Vaako Carla Walker
- German Shepherd
Aba Teresa Mathern Excellent
- Cane Corso Ciro
Jason Wilson Fair
- Cane Corso Dream Team's Trotter
Ismail Moore Excellent
- Cane
Corso El Mesquital Xcalibur Roy Rojas
- Doberman
Kai Lan Savanah Poole
- Doberman
Caesar Von Pontiffhuas Scott Nordgren Good
- Cane Corso Shogun
Steven Johnson Good
- Cane Corso Gahtti
Antonio Elam Good
- Cane Corso
Dozer Angie Stark
- Cane Corso
Big Dog Roy Rojas
- Cane Corso Wildwood Sugar Tomas Barrera
- Am Staff
Zemos Kenny
Anderson Good
- Cane Corso
Cleopatra Scott Spinks
- Cane Corso El Mesqital Xcalibur Roy Rojas Excellent
- Cane Corso El Mesqital
Vulcan Ron Ackerman Excellent
- Cane Corso Dream Team's Zora Ismail Moore
- Cane Corso
K9 Corso Gahatti Tony Elam Excellent
- Cane Corso Blusteel's
Diesel Oscar Ashley Good
- Cane Corso Fire Horse Franklin
Angela Weaver Good
- Cane Corso Dream Team's Trotter Ismail Moore
- Rottweiler
Kane Kenny Anderson
- Doberman
Jaburi Cairo Savannah Poole Excellent
- Doberman DFK9 Suriah von Benchmark Savannah Poole Excellent
- Cane Corso Capri Nyx
Bob Lukemeir Excellent
- Cane Corso Cito Miller Montaque Miller Excellent
- Rottweiler Kane Kevin Barrett
- Boxer Mix
Luka Cecil Davis Excellent
- Cane Corso Carolina Elite di K9Corso Nemisis T. Elam Excellent
- Cane Corso Dream Team's Trotter Ish Moore
- American Bulldog
Bustah James Butler Fair
- Cane Corso Sasha Samantha Newby Good
- Cane Corso K9 Corso Gahatti
Antonio Elam Excellent
- Cane Corso Lonestar's Adesso Cecil Davis Excellent
- Rottweiler Loral's Treasure
Bob Passarelli Good
- Cane Corso
Thor Amanda Gual Excellent
- Staffy Bull Terrier Ready Lisa
Luksa Good
- Cane Corso
Giada Jason McNutt Good
- American Bulldog Moose Violet Thompson
- American Bulldog /
Sandhill’s Albatross / Cherith Van Sickle / Good
American Bulldog / Reeves
Bruce of Rivera / Sandy Reeves / Good
- American Bulldog / Shk’s
Pipe Bomb of Valor / Cherith Van Sickle / Excellent
American Bulldog /
Mitchells First Mate / Taryna Mitchell / Excellent
- American Bulldog /
Battleground’s Bunker Hill / Taryna Mitchell / Excellent
American Bulldog / Battleground’s
Amazing Grace of Bionic / Taryna Mitchell / Excellent
- American Bulldog /
Bionicle Buster of Kinghaven / Fred Yelton / Good
American Bulldog /
Sandhill’s Preachman of Specialized / Beaver Boyce / Excellent
- American Bulldog /
Streetwise’s Venom / Jeffrey Streeter / Excellent
- American Bulldog / Sandhill’s Here Comes the Monster /
Beaver Boyce / Excellent
American Bulldog / Blevins
Cadillac Escalade / Jennifer Blevins / Excellent
- American Bulldog / Zues
/ Ray Harris / Fair
Bulldog American /
Sandhill’s Sniper / Clint Boyce / Good
- American Bulldog / Sandhill’s
Mighty Mouse / William
Beaver Boyce / Excellent
- Belgain Malinois / Samara / Chris Hester / Excellent
- German Shepherd / Agamemnon
von Des Suden / Susan Arthur / Good
Cane Corso / Ryder / Selina
Skipper / Good
American Bulldog / Blevins
Rita / Jennifer Blevins / Excellent
- American Bulldog / Patti
Mayonnaize / Steven Perez / Excellent
German Shepherd / Apache
vom Eisuherz / Sina Smith / Excellent
- American Bulldog /
Streetwize’s Chyna-doll / Jeffrey Streeter / Excellent
- German Shepherd / Avanna Vom Goldwald / Sina Smith / Fair
- American Bulldog /
Streetwize’s Widow / Pedro Garcia / Excellent
- American Bulldog
/ Queen Bee / James Butler / Fair
- Belgian Malinois / Molly / Michael Whitecotton
/ Excellent
- Cane Corso / Basilicata's All That Jazz / Matthew Hendrickson /
- German Shepherd / Becca / Teresa Mathern / Good
88. Rottweiler / Bowman Brownie Pal / Oden Billings / Excellent